
AllerGiene® ATP Swab for Allergen Control

The AllerGiene® ATP Swab is a simple 20-second test with super sensitivity to allergenic food residues that achieves detection comparable to specific allergen methods. The AllerGiene swab can be implemented in HACCP programs, helping manufacturers prevent allergen cross-contamination by immediately verifying the cleaning and removal of food residues from shared processing lines.

Benefits of the AllerGiene Swab Include:

  • Results in 20 seconds = Faster Pre-op Inspection
  • Super ATP Sensitivity = Dectection of Multiple Allergens with One Pass/Fail Threshold
  • Recyclable Components = Reduced Waste




Rapid Testing for Antibiotics

Analyze a variety of antibiotics and Aflatoxin M1 in Milk using Charm EZ System and Rapid One Step Assay (ROSA) Technology.

Antibiotic Testing in Milk. The Charm CowSide II test and Charm Blue Yellow II test have superior sensitivity to beta-lactams, sulfonamides, aminoglycosides and especially tetracyclines. Breakthrough sensitivity to tetracyclines makes it the first inhibition test to closely match EU MRL levels.

The Charm Bacillus stearothermophilus Disc Assay (BSDA) is a microbial inhibition test designed to detect penicillin G, ampicillin, amoxicillin, and cephapirin at or below the established Safe Levels/ Tolerances. This method has been performance tested and validated by an independent laboratory. The test is designed for use by dairy, veterinary, laboratory, field, and regulatory personnel.

The Charm® KIS Test (Kidney Inhibition Swab) is a simple inhibition test for screening broad-spectrum antimicrobial drugs. Works for feeds, water, urine, serum and tissue testing. Works in laboratory, slaughter house, or on-farm


ATP Sanitation and Hygiene Control

novaLUM II ATP Detection System: Superior Science for Advance Sanitation Control

The novaLUM II ATP detection system is the preferred method for monitoring cleaning effectiveness of sanitation programs

Advanced Sensitivity The novaLUM® II ATP detection system utilizes a technologically advanced photomultiplier tube (PMT) that is more sensitive to ATP (adenosine triphosphate) presence allowing detection of lower levels of microbial and organic matter contamination.

Cost Effective Speed A high-speed data processor allows a quicker 5 second read time.

Audit Compliant Meet internal and 3rd party audits with novaLUM II ATP detection system’s Swab Site Location, Re-test option, and a variety of other customizable features to comply with HACCP and GFSI documentation.

Improved Data Analytics The novaLUM II system has improved onboard data analysis tools including the ability to search historical results and add corrective action results and to generate graphs for rapid analysis of Pass/Fail percentages for key areas of the plant. With built-in wireless connectivity these graphs can be emailed to key managers immediately after pre-op.

Maximize Your Investment

One Instrument, Multiple Tests: The novaLUM II ATP detection system’s unprecedented versatility allows for a variety of different luminescence tests to be run with a single instrument.

PocketSwab® Plus . AllerGiene® . WaterGiene . FieldSwab®


Foodborne Pathogens

Simplified Methods for Detecting Micro-organisms

Charm® Peel Plate® Microbial Tests for aerobic bacteria (Peel Plate AC test), coliform count (Peel Plate CC test), coliforms/E. coli (Peel Plate EC test), enterobacteriaceae (Peel Plate EB test), yeast and mold (Peel Plate YM test) and heterotropic count (Peel Plate HET test), for use in dairy products, ground meats, other foods, contact environmental surfaces and water. The tests are prepared media in a shallow dish with an adhesive top. Just add the sample to the middle and it diffuses through the media and solidifies. Invert the test, stack multiple tests together (if appropriate) and incubate. The methods follow conventional microbiologic procedures for time and temperature of incubation.

PathoGel Test (3-in-1 Test) is a single assay that selectively grows, detects and quantitates coliform, E.coli and hydrogen sulfide producing Enterobacteriaceae in food and water. This single test can be used for both finished product and process stage testing.


Food Residues on Surfaces

VERIcleen®: Surface Hygiene Indicator

It's not clean until it's VERICLEEN

Organic residues can be nutrients for bacterial contamination, and they impede disinfectant and sanitizer effectiveness.

VERIcleen provides an inexpensive rapid hygiene test with many food/healthcare applications. VERIcleen is simple to use, conveniently packaged and easy to interpret. There is no equipment, no special skills or training needed. VERIcleen is a powerful tool for cleansing programs, hand washing, hygiene compliance, and overall sanitation monitoring.


  • Detects: Organic residue found on unknown surfaces and hand
  • Method: Merely wet, wipe, and watch
  • Economical: Needs no instrument
  • Fast: 5 to 60 seconds
  • Results: Accurate and repeatable


Microbial Contamination of Shelf Stable, UHT, ESL Products

End Product Indicator Charm (EPIC) Microbial ATP System

Rapid Release of UHT Aseptic and ESL (High and Low Acid) Products

Traditional microbiological tests for Ultra High Temperature (UHT) pasteurized aseptic beverages, and Extended Shelf Life (ESL) can take a week or more for results, requiring products to be held in the warehouse. This reduces operational efficiency and lengthens production cycles. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) bioluminescence testing is the method of choice for rapid screening of finished aseptic UHT and ESL High and Low Acid products. The EPIC Microbial ATP System has reduced the product hold time to 24 - 72 hours.

EPIC is a presence/absence test for ATP, a bio-marker of microbiological growth. End product is incubated in its original package for 24 to 72 hours. Samples are pipetted onto the microplate and inserted into the EPIC system. The test becomes fully automated with reagent additions, incubations, readings, and analysis.


  • Reduction Inventory and warehouse costs - reducing critical microbial testing from weeks down as low as 24 hours
  • Cost Saving - early detection of costly process contamination
  • Most sensitive - with applications for increased sensitivity
  • Labor savings - with automated fast throughput of 96 samples in less than 30 minutes




Charm® ROSA® Mycotoxin Tests for Feed & Grain

Charm lateral flow mycotoxin tests utilize innovative ROSA (Rapid One Step Assay) technology, ensuring ease of use, speed and accuracy. This test can be performed at the point of receiving, eliminating testing in a laboratory setting. Facilities can perform real-time analysis on raw ingredients as part of testing, and by screening grains as they are received, food manufacturers can be assured of acceptable levels of mycotoxins.

All ROSA mycotoxin tests follow a similar assay format and can be read on the same equipment. Just add the diluted sample extract to the strip, incubate, and interpret the test results.

    Product Overview
  • FGIS approved for multiple commodities
  • Results in 2, 3, 5 or 10 minutes
  • Extract using Methanol, Water or WET® (Water Extraction Technology)



CideLite Broad Spectrum Pesticide Screen for Multiple Matrices

Charm® CideLite detects all organophosphate and N-methylcarbamate insecticides and their active metabolites with a single 15 minute test.

    Rapid Sample Preparation
  • Simple extraction for most matrices
  • No extraction for water or milk
  • No purification step



Alkaline Phosphatase Test for Dairy Products

Alkaline Phosphatase is a natural milk enzyme that is destroyed by conventional pasteurization. This makes Alkaline Phosphatase an excellent marker to verify destruction of pathogenic microorganisms in HTST pasteurized dairy products.

The PasLite Test is an internationally accepted method used by dairies and food manufacturers to verify HTST pasteurization for many types of dairy products, including fluid white milk, flavored dairy, non-flavored dairy, and solid/semi-solid dairy, such as cheese and ice cream.

The F-AP Fast Alkaline Phosphatase Test (F-AP) is the fastest available phosphatase method to verify effectiveness of pasteurization. The simple onestep procedure requires no reagent preparation and delivers results in just 45 seconds.