Fast Alkaline Phosphatase Test (F-AP)
Results in 45 Seconds†


Alkaline Phosphatase is a natural milk enzyme that is destroyed by conventional pasteurization (161° F / 72°C for 15 seconds). This makes Alkaline Phosphatase an excellent marker to verify destruction of pathogenic microorganisms in HTST pasteurized dairy products.

Charm® F-AP test is the fastest available phosphatase method to verify completeness of pasteurization. The simple one-step procedure requires no reagent preparation* and delivers results in just 45 seconds†.

With a limit of detection of 20 mU/L, well below established US and EU regulatory thresholds of 350 mU/L, F-AP provides an early warning indicator of improper pasteurization.


As of October 2009, the F-AP test is an official approved pasteurization test for milk and dairy products by the US National Conference of Interstate Milk Shippers (NCIMS) under the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO). F-AP is based on the popular NCIMS-approved Charm PasLite test, an ISO/IDF standard method for testing alkaline phosphatase in milk and dairy products (ISO 22160/IDF 209). Using a simplified procedure, F-AP provides test results in just 45 seconds†.

† Creams and chocolate milks require 90 second analysis

* Chocolate milk requires centrifugation