Charm Blue Yellow II Test
for Antimicrobial Drugs in Milk

The Charm® Blue Yellow II Test is a microbial inhibition assay, which detects inhibitors, such as antibiotics, in raw or ultra-pasteurized cow milk.

Antibiotics are the most common inhibitors found in raw milk. The test consists of a single service well that contains pre-measured bacterial sporesA, media, and a pH indicator. Reagents are unit dosed and compartmentalized to ensure uniformity. This eliminates reagent transfer steps and prevents inadvertent contamination and reagent loss.

The Charm Blue Yellow II test has superior sensitivity to beta-lactams, sulfonamides, aminoglycosides, and especially tetracyclines. Breakthrough sensitivity to tetracyclines makes it the first inhibition test to closely match EU MRL levels.

ABacillus stearothermophilus var. calidolactis

Simple Procedure